An elegant restaurant with a traditional veronese kitchen reseen

The 16th century hotel, La Posta Vecia, proposes a restaurant with typical Veronese cooking and unforgettable plates served with courtesy and professionality, in an impressive historical atmosphere. The genuine Veronese hospitality is at home in this antique Residence. Rosanna's kítchen, chef and owner from 1970 of this historical place, together with her husband Gabriele Baldo and son Michele, rests on the solid base of the traditional Veronese cooking, but re-seen in the light of modern technics and dietetic lines.

Rosanne and her kitchen staff, always careful of the high quality and seasonal ingredients, proposes dishes that will fascinate any connoisseur (as at one time made in the families of the territory) at home: home-made pasta, also sauces, mustard, jams and cakes. Oil comes from olives grown on the owners land. Meat sauce is made with vegetables grown in the garden behind the Restaurant, with herbs of the season and with products typical of the Veronese territory.

Discover our menu proposals 

“ Come here eat and drink
Drink and eat
Don't think about the res! ”

Michele Placido and Michelangelo Placido
our guests

The incredible story of the Posta Vecia

The story of the Residence Posta Vecia is a fascinating unique one. For Centuries it was a stopping point for refreshments and accommodation for the travellers that covered the antique Postumia Road, built by the Romans in the 2°Century before Christ, to connect the "Tirreno" to the Adriatic. Here carriages and coaches stopped for the passengers to rest and to change the horses.

Here, between the Lgth and 20th February 1821, Silvio Pellico, author of  "My Prisons" (Le Mie Prigioni), passed the night when he was being transferred from Milan to Brno, where a prison cell of the "cruel" Spielberg, was awaiting him. A stone tablet on the wall of the Posta Vecia remembers that night. Among the historical characters that stayed at the Post Vecia mentioned is Napoleone Bonaparte, Archduke of Austria Carlo, Josef Radetzky, Princes, Generals and French and Austrian Diplomats. Stilltoday the Residence is a Hotel with rooms where you can stay after a splendid dinner.

Discover more about the residence 

“ You cannot think well,
love well, sleep well,
if you have not eaten well". ”

Virginia Wolf

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